Archbishop Celebrates the Eucharist for Neo-Catechumenate Community

Bangalore August 4: Archbishop Rev Dr. Bernard Moras officiated the Eighth Anniversary of Missio Ad Genthes in Kodige Halli. This included two communities consisting of 45 members. The Catecumanate Prebyter in-charge of that area Rev. Fr Edward and the community members having welcomed the Archbishop whole heartedly, had a fruitful sharing of their experiences of being with the Lord , challenges that they encountered while proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and also the miracles that the Lord has done in their lives. After listening to them, the Prelate gave them valuable guidance by saying, “Our very life should be an example to witness Christ and His Values”.
As a second part of the celebration, the community members by praising and singing , actively participated in the Eucharist celebrated by the Archbishop. The Archbishop Bernard Moras stressing the gospel of the day, on the feast of St John Marry Vianney said, in his homily, “The word of God is a powerful means to proclaim Jesus Christ to all the ends of the earth. Therefore, each one should take this responsibility with interest to make known who Christ is to the world”. The program concluded with wishing the Archbishop in advance in view of his birthday which would be celebrated on 10th of this month and also the community members took part in a sumptuous dinner arranged for them.